2 min readAug 18, 2020

The soul of wind!!

Every once in a while, a strange phenomenon happens in our lives we call it being conscious of our existence. A drop down realization comes straight from heaven to our souls. Haha!!

It happens when we have touched the core of the soul. (only for the monks)
But for us normal people it happens when we hit the rock bottom at something.

Have you ever felt like you are in a never-ending bottomless pit?
If yes, have you ever tried to come back from it?

Yes, we all tried to fight it or maybe run away from it. But we never focused on the fact that while fighting it and doing all such things to avoid it, somehow we get into autopilot mode. We as a generation don’t know how to find happiness in small things. We don’t know what happiness, love, bliss is.

Now, you throw quotes/sayings/definitions/philosophy/psychology/other science stuff on me and try to prove me wrong. But for once, think…
And tell me have you ever smelled a flower and chills run all over your body. Or have you ever planted a seed and just watching it grow day by day gives you satisfaction and happiness at the same time.

A strange thought for you, just try and empty your mind (i know not so original - Bruce Lee said it), but try and if you keep at it long enough you will see that pit we were talking about earlier will slowly start to disappear. Why?

Think it like it was never there in the first place. It was our imagination that makes it look like the situations are that bad. But we never looked at the good side. And THERE IS ALWAYS A GOOD SIDE to things. We sometimes need to figure it out ourselves without any book or mentor to guide us.

Life gives us way more if we just trust it’s uncertainties. I know it’s hard not to follow Gary Vee for best business advice or Sadhguru for spirituality or Tony Robbins for motivation or reading a ton of books to select our best career/spiritual path.

I’m not saying don’t read or don’t take advice or don’t listen to them. But first, try it yourself and find beauty in it, then if you stuck go for every possible way to resolve it.

But fundamentally try to laugh more, feel more, care more because you are the universe in ecstatic motion so above all live more often from now on.

So, why am I writing this?
Perhaps I got struck by this rare phenomenon or I’m just sleepy.
I don’t know !!

The Soul of Wind…